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Pleiotropic Microenvironment Remodeling Micelles for Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Therapy by Inhibiting Neuronal Ferroptosis and Glial Overactivation

Reperfusion injury presents a significant obstacle to neuronal survival following successful recanalization in ischemic stroke, which is characterized by intricate pathophysiological processes comprising numerous interconnected pathways. Oxidative stress-induced neuronal ferroptosis and the overactivation of glial cells play important roles in this phenomenon. In this study, we developed a targeted cross-linked micelle loaded with idebenone to rescue the ischemic penumbra by inhibiting neuronal ferroptosis and glial overactivation. In rat models, the CREKA peptide-modified micelles accumulate in the damaged brain via binding to microthrombi in the ipsilateral microvessels. Upon reactive oxygen species (ROS) stimulation, diselenide bonds within the micelles are transformed to hydrophilic seleninic acids, enabling synchronized ROS consumption and responsive drug release. The released idebenone scavenges ROS, prevents oxidative stress-induced neuronal ferroptosis, attenuates glial overactivation, and suppresses pro-inflammatory factors secretion, thereby modulating the inflammatory microenvironment. Finally, this micelle significantly reinforces neuronal survival, reduces infarct volume, and improves behavioral function compared to the control groups. The related results, titled Pleiotropic Microenvironment Remodeling Micelles for Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Therapy by Inhibiting Neuronal Ferroptosis and Glial Overactivation, were published online in the ACS Nano, an internationally renowned journal.

Cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury (CI-RI) is a complex and multifaceted pathophysiological process with several interconnected pathways that evolve over time and affect multiple types of cells. Following reperfusion, excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause oxidative damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids, resulting in neuronal cell death. While the dominant pathway of cell death after reperfusion remains undetermined, emerging evidence suggests that ferroptosis plays a crucial role in this injury. Ferroptosis is a newly identified type of regulated cell death that relies on oxidative stress-mediated production and accumulation of lipid peroxides, leading to cytoplasmic membrane rupture and synchronous cell ferroptosis with extensive tissue injury. Neurons undergoing ferroptosis release damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) that can rapidly activate and recruit microglia, inducing the upregulation of NADPH oxidase and ROS production. In addition, numerous research studies suggest that ROS can also act as proinflammatory signaling molecules and contribute to the activation of microglia. Furthermore, overactivated microglia secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines that attract astrocytes and peripheral leukocytes, exacerbating neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. Ultimately, a vicious cycle of mutual promotion and self-amplification is formed among oxidative stress, neuronal ferroptosis, and inflammatory response, creating a lesion microenvironment detrimental to neuronal survival. Previous studies have reported that the use of antioxidants to decrease oxidative stress, ferroptosis inhibitors to suppress ferroptosis, and anti-inflammatory agents to reduce neuroinflammation can all alleviate reperfusion injury to a certain extent. These findings provide a foundation for implementing pleiotropic therapeutics to remodel the complex microenvironment to treat CI-RI.

In this study, we developed a CREKA peptide-modified IDBN-loaded cross-linked polymeric micelle (CPLSeP/IDBN), intending to remodel the lesion microenvironment to treat CI-RI. The micelles were assembled from a ROS-responsive diselenide bond containing amphiphilic polymer and the hydrophobic IDBN. CPLSeP/IDBN micelles exhibited enhanced solubility of IDBN and a prolonged blood circulation time. By employing the surface-modified CREKA peptide, the micelles demonstrated efficient binding to the microthrombus and retention within the lesion microvessels. Upon arrival at the damaged brain parenchyma through the disrupted BBB, the cross-linker was cleaved by ROS, resulting in the consumption of ROS and simultaneous responsive drug release. The released IDBN effectively reduced oxidative stress-induced neuronal ferroptosis and attenuated the inflammatory response by inhibiting the overactivation of glial cells, thereby achieving overall regulation of the lesion microenvironment and exerting pleiotropic therapeutic effects (Scheme 1). This study provides a promising approach for the targeted delivery of pleiotropic therapeutics to remodel the complex postreperfusion microenvironment to alleviate CI-RI.

Scheme 1. Illustration of CPLSeP/IDBN Micelles Formation and Microenvironment Regulation in the Ischemic Brain


Doctoral student Chao Li in our group is the first authors of the paper, and Professor Jiang Chen is the corresponding author of the paper. The research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Shanghai Academic Research Leaders Program and ZJLab.