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Stimuli-Responsive Drug Delivery Systems Triggered by Intracellular or Subcellular Microenvironments

Drug delivery systems (DDSs) triggered by local microenvironment represents the state-of-art of nanomedicine design, where the triggering hallmarks at intracellular and subcellular levels could be employed to exquisitely recognize the diseased sites, reduce side effects, and expand the therapeutic window by precisely tailoring the drug-release kinetics. Though with impressive progress, the DDS design functioning at microcosmic levels is fully challenging and underexploited. Here, we provide an overview describing the recent advances on stimuli-responsive DDSs triggered by intracellular or subcellular microenvironments. Instead of focusing on the targeting strategies as listed in previous reviews, we herein mainly highlight the concept, design, preparation and applications of intracellular models. Hopefully, this review could give useful hints in developing nanoplatforms proceeding at a cellular level.

Scheme 1. Illustration on the stimuli-responsive drug delivery systems triggered by intracellular or subcellular microenvironments

The urgent demand, ironical phenomenon and stern reality urged us to seriously rethink over the underlying logic mechanism, which is functioning inadequately and fostering the dilemma. Scientists have made great advancements and gained versatile skills in designing nanoscale-structured materials and nanodevices, for circulatable, targetable and penetrable nanomedicines to obtain more applicable approaches to enhancing the therapeutic quality. These characteristics are also the main streams that currently most pharmacists concerned. However, there is an irreconcilable (at least, difficult) contradiction in the DDS design field that should be seriously addressed: the intentionally high adhesion between the excipients and drug molecules before arriving the targeted cell VS the demanded “burst-release” of drugs from DDS upon reaching the aimed cell or organelles. Current design for drug delivery systems are mainly aiming to resolve the physiological disposition before arriving/entering targeted cells, including long circulation, high stability, optimized targeting, fine distribution or deep penetration. It is truly tough for DDS designers to both satisfy the contrary demands from two sides of the same coin, with the aim of providing more accurate, more controllable and more reliable protocols (besides versatility) in delivering the escorted drugs to the crucial intracellular domain [8]. In other words, we should bring the attention on intracellular/subcellular drug-release back to table, and focus a deeper dimension at a cellular level, by designing/manufacturing sophisticated nanostructures, and manipulating the DDS’ behavior according to the set program even in the cells, since the final fate of nearly all drugs’ in vivo stories normally ends into the target cells.

In order to address the dilemma, the key factor is the determination of the balance between stability and responsiveness of DDS, based on the profound understanding of the intracellular or subcellular microenvironment (especially of the pathological cells), molecular biological mechanism at a cell scale, precise design of the dynamic chemical structures at a molecular level. The perfection of combining the above can thus embody the key insight to structure materials and scaffold useful devices as DDS by overcoming the accompanying stability from circulation, in order to bring enormous immediate benefits in the research and practice of on-demand drug-release at intracellular or subcellular levels.

The controllable, accurate and rational DDS, which can function as expected even at the terminal intracellular stage of the whole drug-delivery process, is undoubtedly an ultimate scientific challenge. The spatial-temporal profile of up- or down-regulated intracellular hallmarks is quite tumor specific, and could be adopted to selectively recognize the cancer cells by sensing the abnormal conditions. In the past decade, scientists were attempting to realize the on-demand drug-release systems at intracellular or subcellular levels, which can detect and sense the particular intracellular biological signals, and logically respond to the parameters accordingly to launch the escorted drugs at the correct sites with suitable dose. Though there is still a long way to go to fulfill the tasks, there are several DDS approaching the intracellular or subcellular manipulation. In this review, we reviewed related progress by the categorization of biological parameters, including intracellular pH, glutathione (GSH), reactive oxygen species (ROS), hypoxia, enzymes, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and so on.

This review, with Prof Tao Sun and Prof Chen Jiang as the first and corresponding authors respectively, has been accepted by Adv Drug Deliv Rev, which can be found via the link: